• Warranty Condition: First login failed due to Wrong UID, Wrong password, Wrong 2FA code, bad Ads account, ads account restrictions. If account is unable to login, We will try our best to resolve your issue, if we fail to resolve the issue, we will refund you by adding the balance to your account. If we are able to login successfully on our side, and you are unable to login successfully on your own side, then we will not give any warranty to such account but we will advise you to use good proxy or good VPN and to login the account properly via Instruction Page . In case you fail to reason with us and cause problems, your account will be banned.


  • Warranty Period: warranty period is 24hrs from the time you purchased the product. You only have warranty if you follow instructions via  Instruction Page .  If you do not follow instructions , then you do not have any warranty. 



  • How to Report: To submit warranty information: Take a screenshot of the account which has an error + The ID is faulty + Transaction number.