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Facebook Login instructions and other methods about Facebook

How To Login Facebook Instructions:

  • To avoid approve login error or account lock, connect your Proxy (which is the best to use for login accounts, please contact support to buy 1month cheap proxy if you do not have) or use VPN (if no proxy, then you must use recommended VPN which are ExpressVPNSurfsharkVPN , HMA , IPVanish ) and When you try to log in the facebook on the mobile app or on Computer web browser like Google Chrome or Firefox or Edge and it shows error, then log in the Facebook on  https://Mbasic.facebook.com On your Mobile phone web browser or Computer web browser like Chrome, Safari, Opera Mini or Firefox, Edge, Etc. After that then you can log in on your Facebook mobile app or Computer web browser also with the same proxy IP or VPN IP. After you successfully logged into the account on the Mobile app or Computer web browser, logout from the Mbasic.facebook.com website, but ensure that you save password before you logout from Mbasic if Facebook gives you the option to save password. 
  • Connect your VPN or Proxy according to the country of origin erweyuew of the account you want to login. 
  • If your Facebook Account login 2fa is 2fa Key (Example of 2fa Key is: VDFA XJZ5 LN4F ZCJC 6VVQ UVTM N2BE QLSN) then go to https://2fa.ng to Generate Your login Code Watch Video Here


How To Change Facebook Password and 2fa after 5 days of Use:

To prevent Facebook from Locking your Account when changing information like password, Email, phone number and 2fa, you MUST only change your information  after 5 days of use, so that you will not blame us for loss of your accounts . Kindly use instructions below:    


How to Change Your Facebook Password Without Getting Locked Out

1. Prepare Two Browsers: Use two web browsers (eg, Chrome and Firefox) or two devices (eg, phone and computer). Open Facebook on both.
2. Log In on Chrome: Enter your username and password. Stop when asking for the 6-digit 2FA code.
3. Log In on Firefox: Enter the same username and password. Stop when asking for the 6-digit 2FA code.
4. Go back to Chrome and  Enter 2FA Code on Chrome: Go back to Chrome and enter the 2FA code to log in.
5. Select "Not Me": If asked if someone logged in recently, select "Not Me."
6. Change Password: If prompted to change password, change your password. If not, check notifications for recent logins and select "Not Me" to change your password.  Secure Your Account : Log in to the email linked to your Facebook account, change its password, and enable 2FA on the email account to ensure only you have access.


⚠️Most Likely Outdated | How to change password and 2fa and Avoid Confirm Identity for Mobile Web Browser 

 1) login on Mbasic.facebook.com

2) then copy this link to the same mobile web browser  https://M.facebook.com/privacy/review/?review_id=573933453011661

 and then click Continue to change your information.


⚠️Most Likely Outdated | How to change password and 2fa and Avoid Confirm Identity for Computer Web Browser 

1) login on www.facebook.com

2) then copy this link to the same Computer web browser  https://www.facebook.com/privacy/review/?review_id=573933453011661

and then click Continue to change your information.


⚠️Most Likely Outdated | How to change password and 2fa and Avoid Confirm Identity On Facebook Mobile App

1) First Login Your facebook account on the Facebook Mobile App

2) Then go to Settings

3) Click on the Privacy Checkup... See screen shot here:  https://prnt.sc/ZpVfZi-d5fRl

4) Click on How to keep your account secure... See screen shot here:  https://prnt.sc/p4k0rC5cWn-l

and then click Continue to change your information.



How To Fix Confirm Facebook Dating

  • This is a way to recover identity dating accounts...

    When you login the account and see the dating on confirm identity.
    1) Go to settings, Scroll down and click on Access information, Click on "Your activity across Facebook"
    2) Now scroll down until you get to 'Your dating Profile' and click on it
    3) Now add a minimum of three of your personal pictures were your face displayed clearly, then delete any other image that isn't yours there. Then click on save
    4) Now go Back to the dating profile and click on confirm by video record.
    5) Make sure you have enough Background light which will help your camera display your face clearly, due to the steps that you are asked to while taking the video record, 6)
    Now wait for sometime and then check back and see that your profile dating has been successfully restored

    Make sure to follow the steps carefully...


 How to Avoid Dating Mismatch:

  • Make sure you turn OFF your phone location service and you must use good Proxy (Best to use is Proxy) or VPN (as recommended above). 
    Connect your Proxy/VPN according to your dating location or the country where the Facebook account comes from, otherwise your Dating account will have the problem of Locating Mismatch and there is nothing we can do. 


How To Fix Dating Mismatch:

  • How To fix Mismatch, Connect proxy to same City/Town as the current Dating location and then also spoof GPS location to same City or Town as the current Dating location and then login to the Facebook account try to see if the dating will fix buy manually updating the dating location. If it does not fix, then leave the account for a period of at least 3-4 weeks and then after 4 weeks maximum, repeat the same process before you log in to the account again. 


 Solution for restricting accounts disabled for unusual activity after adding payment information:

  • ( This is my preferred solution, not a 100% guarantee of success that works well with your account. )
    Step 1: Fake IP to Philippines [ May not need to do this ]
    Step 2: Access the following path: https://www .facebook.com/help/contact/649167531904667
    Step 3: Select the ad account you want to add payment information to
    Step 4: Select "I have a question about payment method" (line 3)
    Step 5: Select "Add payment method" (line 1)
    Step 6: Select Next "Add payment method now" and fill in card information


 Solution to fix disabled account after adding a card that doesn't hold money successfully:

  • Instructions to fix errors after adding card Due to abnormal activity detected, we have disabled your ad account.

    Step 1: Replace the advertising account ID (ADS ID) into xxxxxxxxxxx on the link below and paste it into the browser to log in to Facebook holding the ad account. https://www.facebook.com/payments/risk/preauth/?ad_account_id=xxxxxxxxxxx&entrypoint=WWW_AYMT_NOTIFICATION
    Step 2: Click Approve - Done.
    Step 3: Go back to the payment settings page and press F5, Facebook will pass an error that cannot hold an amount with your card.
    Step 4: Set up your ad campaign normally with an initial budget of about 100,000 - 150,000 VND and pay by hand as soon as Facebook starts spending money.
    After the manual payment is done and the refresh is received, the error that cannot be held in Step 3 will disappear. If it does not disappear, Retry the above .
    Wish you have a good experience, Thank you.