How to buy account on

How to buy account on platform allows you to buy and receive social media accounts instantly after you have successfully paid. So how to buy account?

Go to and follow the steps:

Step 1 : Register for a member account at:
(Please save login information if necessary).

Step 2 : Choose a deposit method to your wallet, Make sure you read and fillow instructions when you want to deposite, you can choose payment methods such as:
- Crypto Auto Payment: =crypto
- Naira Payment Manual:
- Binance Manual Payment.

Step 3 : After successfully depositing money into the wallet, you can start buying an account with the balance in the wallet. Select the product then select the quantity you want to buy and then press the " BUY NOW " button.

Step 4 : After paying for your order, you will be redirected to the "Order History" page ( )
here you can see the orders you have purchased and account information.


How to find The product you are looking for?

1) login to your account 

2) Look for find on your web browser

3) search the product name by the name of the country

4) If you want to go back home, click the website Logo.

5) How to find product using web browser Find Button:  Watch Full Video Here

Wish you a lot of luck.